Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Nasty Surgery

No posts for a while again? Well that was due to a huge amount of work created in developing our new products. Client said "do you have this stuff on cd, so we can refresh on it later?"

"I do now!" said the voice in the back of my head. Lets go do it. More news on how you can get that stuff soon. But image being able to drive to your next sales appointment and refresh on the key things you need to do, or pulling into the car park and being able to take 2 minutes to reset your mind into a state of total confidence right before the meeting with your hot prospect? Sounds good? Stay tuned.

So now we are back. Oh yes and some weeks of recovery from a nasty bit of "below the belt" surgery. That made sitting, standing, lying down and every form of physical activity painful. Trust me, you really don't want the details. The jokes from those in the know were bad enough, not to mention the cartoons that appeared from everywhere.

And the lesson for today?

What are you doing that is not moving you towards your objective. What is pushing you off track to The Big Hairy Audacious Goal that shines in front of you and draws you forward to your compelling vision of the future? Is it time for some drastic "below the belt" surgery for you?

What do you need to stop doing - TODAY!